Program for computing seismic hazard

output results

output results

  • Last Post 14 August 2018
shaista jan posted this 22 May 2018

after the execution stage, how do i get a printout of my results?

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Content_Manager posted this 22 May 2018

Dear Shaista,

Once the calculation has finished, you may see hazard results by clicking in "See hazard maps" button:

Here is a screen shot of results for Capra Island Dataset (example available in our official web site R-CRISIS Watch and learn):

In addition, hazard results can be exported to files with different formats (e.g. grd files supported by any GIS software).  In this link, it is explained how to export results to grd files:

R-CRISIS results in GIS


Thank you for your interest in R-CRISIS.


Best regards,

shaista jan posted this 23 May 2018

 if there is any way by which i can take a printout of different exceedence probabilities? and the disaggredation charts for printing in my report?

Content_Manager posted this 24 May 2018

Dear Shaista,

R-CRISIS has several formats in which you may export the seismic hazard results: bitmap, XYZ file, bing maps or Surfer 6.0 DSBB. Besides, within Input -> Set output files (optional) menu, there are additional results you can assess which could be of your interest.

On the other hand, the disaggregation analysis can be evaluated for a particular scenario or you can run it as a batch process for several scenarios you desire .For both cases, the results will be saved in a text file with *.des extension, it is up to you to plot them in the format you consider more convenient.


Thank you for your interest in R-CRISIS.


Best regards,

shaista jan posted this 06 June 2018

I tried a model(though irrelevant to the site am concerned about). Got the results. Now i want output of my file for printout the way iys shown in the attachments. I also want a printout of deaggredation charts.

How do I do that? How can i convert all the output files to printable format for my report?


Content_Manager posted this 06 June 2018

Dear Shaista,

Below, answer to your questions:

1. Disaggregation results: as it is mentioned in a previous post, R-CRISIS saves disaggregation results as text files with extension *.des. Such results may be plotted as heat maps or surface graphs through Excel, for instance. R-CRISIS is not able to export them in the format you are requering.

2. PGA contours: R-CRISIS has several formats in which you may export the seismic hazard results: bitmap, XYZ file, bing maps or Surfer 6.0 DSBB. The printout you are asking for, evidently, was built trough a different software of R-CRISIS, it seems that it was drawn by means of a GIS software (e.g. QGIS). You can save results as a Surfer 6.0 DSBB file and build your own map in any GIS software.

3. Seismic hazard curves: exceedance rates curves for each seismic source are within FUE file. To obtain this result file, you have to check it within Input -> Set output files (optional) menu.


I hope this is helpful.


Thank you for your interest in R-CRISIS.


Best regards,

Content_Manager posted this 14 August 2018

Dear Muzzaffar,

It is not possible to change the format number output, this is defined from the code.


Thank you for your interest in R-CRISIS.


Best regards,
