Program for computing seismic hazard


What is CRISIS? CRISIS is a state-of-the-art, worldwide and well-known solution for performing Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses (PSHA). The program is the result of more than 30 years of continuous innovations, developments and improvements, providing the most comprehensive, yet easy to use, software suitable for academic and commercial uses, free of charge.


What is ERN? ERN is an engineering and consulting firm created in 1996 by Professors Mario Ordaz Schroeder, Eduardo Reinoso Angulo and Eduardo Miranda Mijares. ERN is a world leader in natural and anthropogenic hazard and risk assessments, offering expert solutions for governments, multi-lateral organizations, regulatory entities and the insurance and engineering sectors.


What is the role of ERN with CRISIS? The first version of CRISIS was released in 1986 by Professor Mario Ordaz and continues to be developed by him and many contributors (see about page). The continuous improvement and promotion of CRISIS has always been indirectly sponsored by ERN. We believe the support of R-CRISIS as an ERN public and free product will reassure its users of its modernity, robustness, quality and use in the coming years.


Are CRISIS and R-CRISIS the same? R-CRISIS is the latest version of CRISIS.


Will R-CRISIS remain open and free? Yes. R-CRISIS is and will continue to be free of charge for scientific and commercial purposes. Please visit the download section for more details. The source code is available upon request at under the Apache 2.0 license agreement.


What is new in R-CRISIS? On top of the 2015 version of CRISIS, R-CRISIS will include automatic updates and Q&A forum integration (beta). Check the Features page to learn more.


Can I participate in the future development of R-CRISIS? Yes! Your suggestions and/or full-fledged contributions can be submitted through different channels such as the GMPM public database in R-CRISIS, the forum in this page, or directly to All contributions follow an open source peer review process, which means that only those contributions that meet high quality and scientific soundness revisions will be incorporated into the source code, giving always full attribution and credits to the contributors.


How can I share my GMPMs, maps, datasets? Through the forum in this website. You can post the download link of the file hosted in your own cloud storage or directly upload files.


