Seismic and tsunami risk awareness is one of the culminating steps of any comprehensive risk reduction and preparedness initiative. It is the duty of governments and technical institutions to promote this in permanent strategies to ensure a sustainable social and economic development. Nevertheless, the active participation of communities, both before and during a catastrophe, is essential to reduce the loss of lives and property. Towards this effort, ERN is dedicated to the evaluation and management of disaster risk. We are also involved in non-for-profit activities related to hazard mitigation, including the development and update of earthquake resistant building codes, raising public awareness and understanding of disaster risk and of course the continuous development and maintaining of R-CRISIS.
The following links lead to external resources aimed to the reduction of seismic and tsunami risk at global and regional scales. Local programs may be found through your national or state civil protection agencies.
The FEMA QuakeSmart toolkit to help businesses reduce the potential for injuries, damage and financial losses from earthquakes
IFRC Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction: a guide.
American Red Cross guidelines and Emergency Monitor App
The Earthquake Country Alliance focused on California, has the mission to support and coordinate actions which improve earthquake and tsunami resilience.
The USGS Earthquake Hazards online resources are the definite source of information of the latest earthquakes.
ThinkHazard! provides a general vision of hazards for a specific city. The program is supported by the World Bank through the GFDRR.
GAR Risk Data Platform allows the visualization of the hazard, exposure and risk results of the latest version of the UNISDR’s Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction besides providing access to several of the datasets used in the risk assessment.