R-CRISIS offers a complete solution for performing state-of-the-art Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses. The accumulation of more than 30 years of developments and improvements made by renowned experts have led to a plethora of options that make R-CRISIS analyses useful, flexible and attractive for many applications. The modular architecture makes it also customizable, scriptable and extendable. In a nutshell, the main features of R-CRISIS are:
- A graphical user interface (GUI) available for all steps of the analysis, from model development and data input to results interpretation and visualization.
- Several seismic sources geometric models: Point, gridded, fault line, slab or areas. The characteristics of sizes and shapes of the ruptures can also be defined.
- Different occurrence and magnitude recurrence seismicity models (Poissonian and non-Poissonian).
- Any Ground Motion Prediction Models (GMPM) can be used in R-CRISIS allowing combination among them (hybrid models). Additionally, more than 60 GMPM are available as built-in models in R-CRISIS.
- Possibility to account for the site-effects in the PSHA using different well-known approaches.
- Option to include a Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) filter to only consider ground motions with the capability of producing damage to structures in the hazard estimations.