Program for computing seismic hazard


Fully probabilistic framework

Fully probabilistic framework

R-CRISIS offers a complete solution for performing state-of-the-art Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses. The accumulation of more than 30 years of developments and improvements made by renowned experts have led to a plethora of options that make R-CRISIS analyses useful, flexible and attractive for many applications. The modular architecture makes it also customizable, scriptable and extendable. In a nutshell, the main features of R-CRISIS are:

  • A graphical user interface (GUI) available for all steps of the analysis, from model development and data input to results interpretation and visualization.
  • Several seismic sources geometric models: Point, gridded, fault line, slab or areas. The characteristics of sizes and shapes of the ruptures can also be defined.
  • Different occurrence and magnitude recurrence seismicity models (Poissonian and non-Poissonian).
  • Any Ground Motion Prediction Models (GMPM) can be used in R-CRISIS allowing combination among them (hybrid models). Additionally, more than 60 GMPM are available as built-in models in R-CRISIS.
  • Possibility to account for the site-effects in the PSHA using different well-known approaches.
  • Option to include a Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV) filter to only consider ground motions with the capability of producing damage to structures in the hazard estimations.
The theoretical background of all features is presented in chapter 2 of the R-CRISIS documentation, whereas the user manual is available in chapter 3.

Graphical User Interface

Graphical User Interface

The input of all the parameters (geometries, seismicity, spectral ordinates, GMPM) can be defined through the GUI in the same way than the outputs of the PSHA without further post processing. Besides, the GIS-like integrated tools are highly useful to gain insight from results.

Several outputs and seismic hazard representations

Several outputs and seismic hazard representations

  • Seismic hazard maps and curves. Visualize explore and compare results with GIS-like integrated tools. Obtain hazard curves and uniform hazard spectra at any location with a single click.
  • Seismic hazard disaggregation. Identify the magnitude and distance combinations with the largest contribution to seismic hazard at a given site, time frame and/or structural period.
  • Stochastic event set generator. Obtain the hazard representation of all earthquakes that can occur within the area of study ready to be an input for a subsequent fully probabilistic seismic risk assessment. Results are stored in files with *.AME format compatible with different open source and proprietary tools.
  • Single earthquake scenario/shakemaps for hypothetical or historical seismic events. Results are stored in files with *.AME format compatible with different open source and proprietary tools (e.g. R-CAPRA).
  • Optimum spectra. Obtain the seismic hazard intensities that minimize the sum of the expected cost associated to the decision of having used a given design coefficient for a structure. Where the total cost is the initial construction cost and the net present value of the future losses because of earthquakes.
For an introduction to output processing, visit the Knowledge Base section to see a full example. The user may be interested in chapter 2 and chapter 3 (section 3.4) for the theoretical background and user manual respectively.

Logic Tree computations

Logic-tree computations

Account for the epistemic uncertainty using logic-tree computations. The resulting hazard model will be the probabilistic combination of branches representing different hazard models and the weights assigned to them.

R-CRISIS is extendable, scriptable and Flexible

R-CRISIS is extendable, scriptable and flexible

The modular architecture, command line interface and variety of modelling options make R-CRISIS the most versatile software in the PSHA field. Comprehensive documentation, code templates and sound software design allow users and developers to extend the program’s capabilities in a simple manner. The source code is also available for academic use under the Apache License, Version 2.0. To request it please send a message to from an institutional e-mail account, stating your contact information and project objectives.
