Program for computing seismic hazard

how to open the .ame file generated by CRISIS

how to open the .ame file generated by CRISIS

  • Last Post 05 December 2019
Danhua Xin posted this 06 November 2019

Dear CRISIS team,

Could you please give me a hint on which software is to use to open the .ame file successfully?

I've tried software recommended by this website, but they don't work. Various errors are reported.

Thanks for your time spent on reading my question and in case you need my .ame file for test, I uploaded it to the following link:


Thank you in advance,


Danhua Xin posted this 05 December 2019

The reason I was asking this question is to check whether the .ame file has included the location information of the earthquake scenarios generated by CRISIS for CAPRA_GIS to perform the loss calculation.


Since such location information has been found out (more detailed answer is available at, thus this question can be ignored.
